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Welcome to The Beaded Heart Blog
Two-Tone Crystal and Bugle Bead Bracelet,design by S.Eddy

Monday, November 15, 2010

magnetic pins

Welcome to the week of November 15th. I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week. That means that the craft fair for which I'm supposed to be making things to sell is only a few weeks away. YIKES!

This weekend I did make more petals and leaves for my poinsettia pins. They are fun but time-consuming. I don't know how many I'll be able to put together by the time of the craft fair. I was successful at finding a source for magnets to use on the backs instead of pins. They are 1 1/2 inches long and 1/2 inch wide and very strong. Best of all, they were much cheaper than I thought they'd be...came to about a quarter a piece. I ordered 100! I'll be able to make pins of various types for ages! I glued one to the back of the first pin I made with E-6000. It seems to be holding fine. I wore the pin to work one day last week and showed it around the building (I work in a 7 story building). Everyone seemed interested in the design and when I showed them it was a magnetic pin EVERYBODY thought that was a fabulous idea.

I've been trying to figure out how to make a beaded holly leaf. I think a pin with holly and mistletoe would be a good seller.

When I needed a break from poinsettia leaves, I worked up a lush embellished bracelet similar to the one at the website noted at Fire Mountain Gems (http://www.firemountaingems.com/galleryofdesigns/jewelry_design_gallery.asp?docid=7448&doccat=projects). I did a blue palette and merely used a vial of "bead soup" beads that I bought from a vendor at a show. The mix in the vial gave much dimension and texture to the bracelet. I made the bracelet to fit a 7 inch wrist and it will be included in the items for the craft fair. It only took me a few hours to put together. I used a button and loop closure. It was nice to finish the bracelet in one day.

Happy beading,

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