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Two-Tone Crystal and Bugle Bead Bracelet,design by S.Eddy

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Farewell Tony, Farewell September-slightly OT

In addition to the fact that it is a dull gray day here in the Boston area, I feel a lingering sense of sadness. September has always been one of my favorite months. I'm not particularly fun of always feeling hot and sweaty as I do in the summer months and September brings cooler air. The skies in this part of the country can be the most brilliant in September. There's the beginning of a feeling of crispness in the air. Things are comfortable.

Yet September is also a sad time. My father passed away at the end of September. It's been a while now...1989...21 years. Is that possible? It still seems like only yesterday. He's always with me, but... .

And of course there is September 11. I'll never forget that.

And today the news of the passing of a Hollywood legend...Tony Curtis. Not that I was a huge fan. Still, it's sad. My favorite movies of his were surely not considered his greatest...the one where he's a casino operator in Reno and a little girl gets abandoned and he ends up taking care of her...love that one. And of course the American film adaptation of the play Boeing-Boeing, about the guy who dates 3 airline stewardesses with different schedules...until their schedules get changed and "mayhem" ensues. My sisters and I loved to watch that one as well.

So, tomorrow we welcome October. I've been seeing autumn decorations everywhere, many including "indian" corn. Have you ever noticed how much those different kernels resemble beads?

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